Accurate, Insightful, Effective Patient Care

What Psychological Testing & Assessment Looks Like at IMPACT

At IMPACT, we provide thorough and precise psychological testing and assessment tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient. Our evaluations employ a variety of standardized tests and diagnostic tools to deliver a comprehensive understanding of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning. This process includes detailed consultations, assessments, and individualized reports, ensuring psychotherapists, psychiatrists, and other providers receive the critical information needed for accurate diagnoses and effective treatment planning.

Why You Should Partner with IMPACT for Testing and Assessment

Our dedication to excellence, combined with our use of the latest assessment tools and methodologies, guarantees that your patients receive the best possible care. We love collaborating with colleagues and welcome your input throughout the process. By collaborating with us, you can enhance your practice's diagnostic capabilities, provide comprehensive care, and achieve better patient outcomes.

Partnering with IMPACT ensures access to high-quality, evidence-based psychological assessments conducted by experienced professionals.

Who Can Benefit from Psychological Testing and Assessment?

Psychological testing and assessment can benefit individuals across various age groups and needs.

Here are some of the primary categories:

Psychoeducational Evaluations

Our psychoeducational evaluations assess how your child learns and identify any psychological or learning factors that may hinder their progress. Using a variety of tools, including therapeutic interactions, standardized assessments, and in-depth interviews with parents, teachers, and other providers, we provide a holistic view of your child's cognitive abilities and academic skills.

These evaluations help in creating personalized plans and identifying appropriate accommodations to ensure educational success.

Some of the tests we use include::

  • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 5th Edition (WISC-V): A comprehensive tool used to measure the intellectual ability of children aged 6 to 16, assessing various cognitive domains.

  • Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, 4th Edition (WIAT-4): A comprehensive academic assessment that measures skills in essential academic areas including reading, writing, and mathematics.

  • Nelson Denny Reading Test (NDRT): An assessment that evaluates reading ability and comprehension skills for students from grade 9 through adulthood.

  • Beery-Buktenica Visual-Motor Integration Test: A test that measures how well a person can coordinate their visual and motor skills, often used to identify visual-motor integration difficulties.

  • Behavior Assessment System for Children, 3rd Edition (BASC-3): An extensive evaluation tool that assesses the behavior and emotions of children and adolescents to identify behavioral and emotional disorders.

  • Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language, 2nd Edition (CASL-2): A test that evaluates oral language skills in children and young adults, focusing on comprehension, expression, and pragmatic language abilities.

  • And more

Adult Assessments

Psychological testing for adults can help you gain a better understanding of your behavior, cognitive function, and emotional health. Through collaboration with our clinicians, a psychological assessment can evaluate cognitive, academic, emotional, and behavioral functioning, aiding in diagnosis and treatment planning tailored to your specific needs.

Some of the tests we use include:

  • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, 4th Edition (WAIS-IV): A widely used assessment tool designed to measure intelligence and cognitive abilities for adults aged 16 to 90.

  • Inventory of Interpersonal Strengths (IIS): An assessment that evaluates interpersonal behaviors and strengths, helping to understand social functioning and relationships.

  • Diagnostic Interview for ADHD in Adults (DIVA-5): A structured interview used to diagnose Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adults, based on DSM-5 criteria.

  • Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI): A written test that helps identify a wide range of mental health challenges and can aid in clinical diagnosis, treatment planning, and screening for various disorders.

  • And more

Neuropsychological & Diagnostic Evaluations

These evaluations focus on diagnosing neurological and psychological conditions, providing detailed insights into cognitive and emotional functioning.

By assessing areas such as memory, attention, executive functioning, and emotional health, these evaluations help to provide a comprehensive understanding of various symptoms and guide targeted treatment interventions.

Some tests we use include:

  • Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, 2nd Edition (ADOS-2): The gold-standard in autism assessment, the ADOS-2 can be used with children as young as 12 months old and well into adulthood for those who may have gone undiagnosed for many years. 

  • Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised (ADI-R): A structured interview used for diagnosing autism and planning treatment, assessing communication, social interaction, and repetitive behaviors.

  • Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS2): A behavioral rating scale that helps to identify children with autism and determine the severity of the condition.

  • Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ): A self-administered questionnaire designed to measure the degree to which an adult with normal intelligence has traits associated with the autism spectrum.

  • Bender Gestalt Visual Motor Test: An assessment used to evaluate visual-motor integration and neurological impairment through the reproduction of geometric figures.

  • Conners Continuous Performance Test 3rd Edition (Conners CPT 3): A performance task that measures attention-related problems in individuals aged eight years and older. By indexing the respondent’s performance in areas of inattentiveness, impulsivity, sustained attention, and vigilance, the Conners CPT 3 can aid in the assessment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and other neurological conditions related to attention. 

  • Delis Kaplan Executive Function System (D-KEFS): The first nationally standardized set of tests to evaluate higher level cognitive functions in both children and adults, the D-KEFS assesses the key components of executive functions believed to be mediated primarily by the frontal lobe. With nine stand-alone tests, D-KEFS allows psychologists to comprehensively assess the key components of verbal and spatial executive functions. 

  • NEPSY-II: A neuropsychological tool used to assess aspects of executive functioning/attention, language, memory/learning, sensorimotor functioning, visuospatial processing, and social perception.

  • And more

Developmental Evaluations

Our specialists conduct developmental evaluations for young children to assess cognition, behavior, social communication, motor, sensory abilities, and adaptive skills. For children with suspected autism spectrum disorder, we use gold-standard assessment measures to provide accurate diagnoses and individualized treatment plans. We are sensitive to the intersection of gender and neurodiversity and are trained to assess high-masking autism and persistent drive for autonomy (sometimes referred to as pathological demand avoidance or PDA).

Early diagnosis is crucial for obtaining the support children need.

Some tests we use include:

  • Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, 2nd Edition (ADOS-2): The gold-standard in autism assessment, the ADOS-2 can be used with children as young as 12 months old.

  • Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, 4th Edition (WPPSI-IV): An assessment designed to measure the cognitive development of children aged 2.5 years to 7 years and 7 months.

  • Behavior Assessment System for Children, 3rd Edition (BASC-3): A comprehensive tool that evaluates the behavior and emotions of children and adolescents to identify behavioral and emotional disorders.

  • NEPSY-II (for developmental and neuropsychological evaluation): A series of tests used to assess neuropsychological development in children aged 3 to 16, evaluating domains such as attention, language, memory, and sensorimotor functions.

  • Camouflaging Autistic Traits Questionnaire (CAT-Q): A self-report questionnaire that assesses the extent to which individuals with autism spectrum conditions mask or camouflage their autistic traits in social situations.

  • Repetitive Behaviors Questionnaire, 2nd Edition - Adult Version (RBQ-2A): An assessment tool used to measure the presence and severity of repetitive behaviors in adults with autism spectrum conditions.

  • And more

Complex Diagnostic Evaluations

  • Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI): A written test that helps identify a wide range of mental health challenges and can aid in clinical diagnosis, treatment planning, and screening for various disorders. 

  • Circumplex Scale of Interpersonal Values (CSIV), Interpersonal Sensitivities Circumplex (ISC), and Inventory of Interpersonal Strengths (IIS): Taken together, these measures provide detailed information about an individual’s interpersonal functioning including personal values, deference/agreeableness, assertiveness, and self-perception.

  • Projective Assessments: These tools allow psychologists to learn more about specific types of anxiety, interpersonal functioning, under-reported depressive symptoms, and other underlying personality characteristics.

    • Rorschach Inkblot Test: A projective psychological test consisting of 10 inkblots printed on cards, used to assess personality characteristics and emotional functioning.

    • Thematic Apperception Test: A projective assessment tool that involves describing ambiguous scenes to learn more about a person's emotions, motivations, and personality.

    • Sentence Completion Test: A semi-structured tool that asks respondents to complete sentences in ways that are meaningful to them. Those responses help assess attitudes, beliefs, motivations, or other mental states.

Ready To Enhance Your Patient Care?

Partner with IMPACT for Comprehensive Assessments!