Therapy, Parenting IMPACT Psychological Services Therapy, Parenting IMPACT Psychological Services

Does My Teen Need Therapy?

As parents, we want to do everything we can to support our teens’ mental health and well-being during this pivotal stage of development. Recognizing when your teenager could benefit from some extra support can be really tricky!

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Self-Care IMPACT Psychological Services Self-Care IMPACT Psychological Services

The Art of Taking an Effective Mental Health Day

Just as we take sick days to recover from physical ailments, it's equally important to recognize when we need a break to tend to our mental well-being. Enter the concept of the "mental health day" – a designated day off to recharge, reset, and focus on self-care.

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Anxiety IMPACT Psychological Services Anxiety IMPACT Psychological Services

Exercises To Calm Your Anxious Thoughts

We’ve all been there - racing thoughts, difficulty sleeping, worrying about things that never seemed to bother you before. And, all the while, you are saying to yourself, “Make it stop!” We get it.

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